With Java Enums, there are two similar, but different methods that are commonly used: name() and toString(). Learn the difference and when to use both for best results.
In this article, we discuss how to use these two popular frameworks to pull in data from an external source and use it to populate the backend of our web app.
If you're looking for some great tools or libraries to use alongside React.js, read on for a discussion of great open source resources for building UIs.
When it comes to concurrent programming using the RxJava library, here's a breakdown of flatMap() and parallel() and some guidance as to which is the most helpful.
Learn how you can speed up your analytics database applications by a factor of 1,000 by using standard Java 8 streams and Speedment's In-JVM-Memory accelerator.
In a recent talk, I told a community of mathematicians that nearly arbitrary data can *easily* be stored in a JSON-based document store. I should've known better...
Backbone.js is a JS library that provides models with key-value bindings and custom events, views with declarative event handling, and collections with an API.
Here we see the wrench that poorly implemented mutable values throws into your code. Learn about the symptoms and solutions you can use to fix the problem.