Taking some inspiration from Python's argparse module, Argparse4j is a useful command-line argument parser library to consider when working with Python scripts.
Professor Ken Fogel defines the bean class, a subset of the original JavaBean concept, as a class used to aggregate or collect both primitive data types and other classes for modeling data in a program. He offers up examples and various rules for beans as they pertain to his courses.
Have you ever used the latest version a library only to have it be way worse than the older iteration? This dev sure has and offers some advice on library versioning.
In this article, we build a simple web application in Angular and then show you how to add authentication measures, allowing your users to sign in and out.
On the face of it, flatMap, concatMap, and concatMapEager do largely the same thing. But let's look under the hood to see which works best in a given situation.
Learning RxJava can be a challenge, what with it being a fairly substantial shift in how you think. In this post, we take a look at some FAQs that come up.
Understanding promises is essential to understanding async functions. Learn the basics of promises and demonstrate how they can be used to construct asynchronous apps.
Kotlintest, a port of scalatest written in Kotlin, comes with the support of property-based testing. See how to take advantage of it on a few helpful examples.
Callback functions have been around for a while, but there have never been any standards for using them — leading to variations in API implementations.
Spring Data and MongoDB have made it easy to include Reactive Streams in your projects. Here we cover the config work and changes to annotations you need to know.