Learn more on the fundamentals of declarative programming in this in-depth article on the concept and see how Speedment implements declarative programming in practice.
Read this post and learn how to take the first steps away from imperative database programming in Java using Hibernate and then how to go fully declarative with the Speedment stream ORM.
Learn how to take advantage of the Docker image layering model to run unit or component tests in a Docker container without polluting the production software.
In this post we take a deep dive into Elasticsearch, including the basics as well as some different field types, replete with examples to help get you going with both static and dynamic mappings!
Amazon has updated their CloudFormation templates that now includes YAML, references across stacks, multiline support, and a simpler way to substitute strings.
Read this post and learn how you can process data from a database in parallel using parallel streams and Speedment, which can lead to significant speed increases.
What's the best way to add socket communications to your Node.js application? That's hard to say, but in this article, Cliff Hall shows you one quick and easy way to do it.
In this article, the author will show you how to create a simple master-details application using Angular 2, TypeScript, Angular CLI and Eclipse Java EE.