These are best online courses to learn Spring Boot, Advanced Java, Docker, React, Microservices, DEvops, and Angular to become full stack Java developer.
Evaluating different protocols like AVRO, Thrift, Protobuff, and MessagePack. Let's cover each one in-depth starting with AVRO—a data serialization framework.
How to proper deserialize json to java objects without facing UnrecognizedPropertyException when getting unkown fields or properties when consuming rest API.
We only get seconds to attract a reader's attention, and readable code snippets can make the difference. Discover 4 tips for improving readability of your code snippets.
Follow this article to learn more about the set of cloud-native abstractors in Ballerina’s built-in Kubernetes support for Microservices your deployment.
This article will present two different ways of managing a PostgreSQL schema. One is the classic way, using the Postgres shell and psql, the other one is a newer, more visual approach.