In functional programming, your functions should not have side effects. Make sure you are using pure functions with these examples of side effects to avoid.
Let's dive into JShell and, in particular, see how it's used to interact with some of Java 9's newest features, including the updates to the Streams API.
Definition of Done is a bit of vague term and tends to vary from team to team. An Agile expert gives his views of Definition of Done and what Done really means.
Learn how to configure Telegraf, a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics, to pull metrics from a Java app inside a Docker container.
With the multitude of CLI parsing libraries available for Java, is it at all worthwhile to write your own? Sometimes. Here's one dev's thoughts on good old DIY solutions.
It's survival of the fittest in the world of programming languages... at least that's what the up and comers seem to think when face to face with almost any programming lang that came before them. Keep it civil guys, we don't want any extinctions here.
Using composition with Groovy? Then it's a good idea to learn the specifics of the @Delegate annotation to see where it does, and doesn't, work when generating code.