Service discovery is crucial to service-oriented architecture, and distributed systems. Here's a look at service discovery with NGINX Plus and Consul, a service discovery tool.
In programming, traits have been around in Scala and PHP a while, but are relatively new through default methods in Java. Here's a quick example on how to use traits in Java 8!
Here's a neat example using JQGrid and Spring MVC with Gson integration, derived from work on a single page app. This awesome tutorial shows how to setup a web project in Eclipse define web.xml, and more!
One thing almost universal to programmers? We're lazy. Rather we're resourceful, and don't want to do the same thing twice. Here's how to implement the Lazy class.
You've got questions, we've got answers: Learn more about Java security manager, including how code compiles, if it runs, and what it displays. Then we'll probe the why and how.
The UX component allows you to display PanelOverlays that "float" on top of a Panel. By showing and hiding the PanelOverlay you can make the PanelOverlay behave much like a "window". Check out the video to see how it's done.