In this blog, we will learn about 5 new Java features: 1. Sealed Classes 2. Pattern Matching for Switch 3. Foreign Function Interface (FFI) 4. Memory API 5. Text Block
This article talks about the “Restore of database failed, Database is in use” and solutions to resolve this error and resolve it through third-party software.
The tutorial guides you through the creation of a landmarks app featuring a list of landmarks and a detail page for each landmark where users can mark it as a favorite.
This article is written using Ballerina Swan Lake Update 7(2201.7.0). We will explore how to build a GraalVM native executable for a Ballerina application.
This tutorial shows how to build a video calling app with React and Video SDK — setting up the environment, integrating video calling, and implementing meeting controls.
The PHP community came together in Chicago for php[tek] 2023, sharing best practices and the latest updates about the tech that runs over 77% of the internet.
Are you struggling to keep the documentation of your Spring configuration properties in line with the code? Learn how to solve the issue in this article.
Let's understand how Virtual Threads are a major benefit for developers and the whole Java ecosystem and how ZGC improves on Java's already solid GC capabilities.
Learn how to password protect PDF files using Java and Apache PDFBox. Follow this step-by-step guide to secure sensitive information and implement robust PDF encryption.
Read about the internals of the Parquet format and how the ClickHouse integration exploits these structures, with recent improvements for speed and usability.
This article introduces the lifecycle of financial metrics in a database, from how they're produced to how they're efficiently presented in data reports.
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core are popular frameworks for creating powerful RESTful APIs. Try this tutorial and develop a simple Minimal API for credit scores.