Learn how to integrate Docker into a traditional delivery pipeline without drastically changing the deployment output artifact from classic archives to Docker images.
Laravel was initially created as an alternative to Codeigniter. Yii was released as a successor to the PRADO framework. How are they different and which is better?
Read here to understand which database connection property is being used in which scenario. The clarity in this aspect will make it easy to tune these values.
Google Cloud accounts compromised through APIs, GraphQL as an API gateway, a mega-guide for API security, and a new API security training course announced.
In this post, explore Google Cloud Platform’s (GCP) DevOps services that allow software engineers to streamline the building, storage, and deployment of apps.
Artificial intelligence won't find acceptance unless people focus on data governance from the start. Why do you need data governance to successfully deploy AI?
This guide explores what your business needs to know about ISO 27001, certification requirements, and useful tips for maintaining this compliance long-term.
In this Agile session, Pichler discusses topics from product manager vs. product owner vs. business analyst to linking product vision to product goal and spring goal.