I was happy as a software engineer. Not a care in the world. Then I was hit by a freight train... I got promoted to dev team lead. Here's 8 things I wish I knew back then
This article shows how you can debug a simple Node.js application running in a Docker container. Use this tutorial as a reference while building your own!
With keyboard and mouse actions, you can perform hover, drag and drop, keys up events. See how to use them with the Action class in Selenium Protractor!
Spark chooses the number of partitions implicitly while reading a set of data files into an RDD or a Dataset. This implicit process of selecting the number of portions is described comprehensively in this story.
GitOps approach for configuration management is, probably, the best for most of the projects outhere. I'm a big fan of this approach and, in this article, I’ll explain why.
Today I am going to provide an example of a small microservices-based application with a Eureka discovery server to register all the microservice in it.
This article defines setting up Hazelcast server and client. Here,Spring is used for performing CRUD and java utilities are standalone classes for nodes set-up.