After catching a reality show on History, Zone Leader John Vester wonders if the world is ready for a reality show about programmers - offering three situations from his past.
As Agile teams work incrementally to build a product, the process of raising exceptions as they're thought of throughout the SDLC fits well in this work pattern.
This post analyzes the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), one of the SOLID principles of programming, and how it makes your code more reusable and less coupled.
If you're looking for some great tools or libraries to use alongside React.js, read on for a discussion of great open source resources for building UIs.
Regardless of what sort of beliefs you have around Agile, if teams focus, they will get more done and deliver value faster, which leads to improvement.
To be your best, it's important to have fun at work. Check out this article, and get some Agile-inspired game ideas that can help bring your team closer together.
Sometimes it feels like Sprints can get out of hand, and your team just need a little more time. We explain why extending the Sprint is not a good idea.
In this article, we explain the five principles laid out by Robert C. Martin and enumerated by Michael Feathers, that describe the five essential building blocks of OOP.
Learn how to configure the Protractor testing framework to use with the Cucumber Behavior-Driven Development framework for testing AngularJS applications.
If you're looking to implement peer reviews into your development process, read on to get a great overview of the how the process is used and works best.
Tools alone won't make you a DevOps aficionado, but they will support you on your DevOps journey. Read about the best tools for each step of your CI/CD process.
Looking for a new Agile methodology to experiment with? In this article, we go over how Feature Driven Development compares to Scrum and XP programming .