Most applications/projects are moving to Cloud platforms/On-premise. Therefore, assessing the existing application is critical concerning application complexity and risk.
In this article, I will walk you through OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 cluster setup on Linux. Further, I will be creating a namespace and deployment on OCP cluster.
In Part 2 of this two-part series, we will create a GitLab pipeline to register the Docker image of the Ansible playbook to a Docker registry and deploy it to Kubernetes.
ChatGPT has dominated our feeds over the last week and blew people's minds. So we took it for a test drive to see if it could do have to see this in action.
What is serverless architecture or computing? Is it really server less? Let's uncover what is serverless in its actual sense in this technical discourse.
Explore in detail what MACH architecture is, its benefits, how it can support digital transformation, and tips for designing and implementing MACH architecture.
This article is part two of a three-part series on using Heroku Managed Data products from within a Salesforce Function. In this article, we'll explore using Salesforce Functions with Heroku Data for Redis.
Discussing distributed caching with Hazelcast and Spring Boot, distributed locks, and user code deployment to invoke code execution via Hazelcast on a service.