Learn about reading data from different data sources such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and flat files, and writing the data into HDFS using Kafka in StreamSets.
Let's break down all of Azure's PaaS offerings and see how they fit into the average developer's workflow so you can make informed decisions about your tooling.
Think you know everything about the cloud? Well, check out this list of terms, phrases, tools, and providers to make sure you're on top of your cloud game.
Our work on code smells and refactoring tips continues with a look into adhering to the single responsibility principle and refactoring multi-responsibility methods.
Password expiration is tricky with using Azure AD Connect, but a new tool, Pass Through Authentication, will bridge the gap between cloud and on prem password policies.
Password strength and security is an all important aspect of keeping your data secure. Learn how dev teams can use this AWS service to encrypt/decrypt passwords.
Learn how to debug your processes in containers using the tool of your choice, without having to install the tools. Here you'll find three container debugging methods.