Hazelcast is hands down a great caching tool when it comes to a JVM based application. If you use Amazon Web Services, Hazelcast integrates wonderfully.
Sure, logging is hard for lumberjacks, but why does it have to be so hard for developers? How does ELK stack up when it comes to easing the pain of your log analysis?
In this IoT Arduino programming tutorial, the Arduino board is connected to a set of sensors and an ethernet shield. Sensors used in this IoT Arduino programming project are:
Code that makes use of external dependencies can be difficult to test. If you are using AWS, then you have no doubt run into issues in testing your code. This article takes you through how to get around this little hurdle by using AWS Stubs if you are using Ruby.
Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting are key activities in any enterprise application lifecycle, and logging is the core part of these activities. Meet Logback, a logging framework from the creator of Log4J.