Cross-cutting concerns are an integral part of any system design. By identifying and defining the Cross-cutting concerns upfront helps to design more secure and performant applications
AWS Elastic Container Registry can now be setup to automatically scan images on push and provide feedback on vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.
Creating and setting up a JWT server requires some tedious and repetetive steps. In this article we look at how you can use Magic to create it in 1 second
Databases hold the keys to business processes. However, not all systems treat security concerns equally. Read on to see how to secure your SAP HANA database.
In this article, let us see five reasons for using camel-k and how it is different from a normal camel application deployed in Kubernetes or OpenShift.
Here we are going to understand why to use hybrid encryption and see an implementation of hybrid encryption out of AES symmetric encryption algorithm and RSA asymmetric algorithm using Java 1.8 and OpenSSL.
The recent lockdown across the globe has forced IT engineers to work from home. Here's how you can maintain a secure testing environment while working from home.