With Mulesoft's growing popularity, it's increasingly important to secure your Mule projects. Learn how to use Basic Authentication and HTTPS to secure your API.
Look at five scenarios for using Hystrix with other tools from the Netflix OSS stack like Feign and Ribbon and see how performance compares in each situation.
When you work with the Anypoint JMS Connector in Mulesoft, you can enable one-to-one communication, deliver messages to a variety of receivers, and more.
Depending on a message's content, you can route it to any particular channel or destination that you'd like. Just start using content-based routing with Mulesoft.
Splitter and Collection Aggregator are used in Mulesoft to split messages into separate fragments and then to reassemble parts of the original message.
Serverless architecture brings plenty of advantages, but it's not right for everything. Not only are you locked into a vendor, your integration testing becomes tougher.
Jumping off the lightweight Java REST server we created in the last article, this tutorial lets us get programmatic access to our API in Java using OkHttp.
If your priority is the performance of queries on large amounts of data and you have a lot of RAM, an in-memory data grid is the right solution for you!
We've all heard of emails being vectors for attacks, but what exactly is email header injection, how can it be mitigated? We take a look at these questions in this post.
When I started an app with IntelliJ, it always took more than 60 seconds to start the deployed app. No one bothered to examine why, so I took the 30 minutes to do it.
SOAP APIs weren't designed for integration, with developer UX in mind. The new SOAP Builder tool converts your SOAP-based endpoint into a unified REST API.
This research report serves as a 'State of Predictive Maintenance,' considering what is and isn't predictive maintenance and how organizations are pursuing the tech.