The key to dealing with data is to figure out which audience is appropriate for each data set, and then open up that data to the correct audience via APIs.
Set up your pipeline so that when changes occur to a project in the monorepo, the CI for that corresponding project is triggered and a Docker image is built and deployed.
Because there's not predefined architecture that you can apply directly to your projects, choosing an architecture for your system can prove very difficult.
The Anypoint API portal lets you share your API, try out calls in real-time, and handle users and app registration, making APIs accessible to both you and your users.
You've got three ways. The first one is the standard one following docker-compose conventions. The other ones can be used for defining reusable pieces for your tests.
See an overview of an application that can be tuned with Akka, the load tests and tools that can be used to measure app performance, and some test results.
You can use cloud tools to spice up your ASP.NET Core app. Azure Active Directories can help with user authentication and to customize usernames for a nicer appearance.
HTTP connectors play a major role in Mule ESB for REST implementation. The API Kit provided by Anypoint Studio helps you create a Mule flow from RAML definitions.
We link Docker containers with each other to enable communication between them or to be sure that all of the tools and microservices are running on the same machine.
If you’re using Docker, the combination of Prometheus and Grafana offers an extremely enticing option to explore for reasons of ease of use and functionality.