Love cronjobs? No? Oh. Good! You can combine Google Cloud Functions with a Dataflow Pipeline to make them a thing of the past, not to mention their VMs.
You might think you know everything about performance testing and automation. Read this review of common misconceptions and pitfalls; how does your testing measure up?
DataSynapse GridServer is a highly scalable infrastructure that enables app services to operate virtually. Learn about working with it and client implementation in Java.
This tutorial details how to build a RESTful Hello World API that complies to the JSON API specifications using the Katharsis, OkHttp, Spring Boot, and Maven frameworks.
Envoy is a powerful proxy that can be used to manage your traffic layer. Learn how to deploy a real application using Kubernetes, Postgres, Flask, and Envoy.
In this tutorial, learn how to design a simple API by working with the RESTful API Modeling Language, complete with code and screenshots to illustrate the process.
In the world of security, it's important to know what you're up against. In this post, we've provided a list of the most common and dangerous web attacks.
This post finishes a series on implementing microarchitecture with Apache Ignite. Learn to send requests to the microservices from external applications.
Post build steps let you customize actions after the build phase. The MCUXpresso IDE offers a versatile way to generate binary, S19, or Intel Hex files using those steps.
HDF collects, curates, analyzes, and delivers real-time data to data stores quickly and easily. It can be used with Spark Streaming and Solr to process weather events.