Apache Spark is an in-memory distributed data processing engine and YARN is a cluster management technology. Learn how to use them effectively to manage your big data.
The Gang of Four were instrumental in solidifying the classic Java design patterns, but has their usefulness fallen off in a world with microservices and frameworks?
When it comes to sharding MySQL clusters, significant challenges can be faced. Take a look at some of them, how to address them, and why they're worth overcoming.
Microservices' benefits come with added complexity among the dependencies. Fortunately, linkerd's per-request routing can help stage microservices to make sure they work.
See how to linkerd as your ingress vector ingress to a Kubernetes cluster while also handling service routing, with NGINX to help make it production-ready.
When I first started, I was having issues using the Mock message processor in MUnit to mock message processors. Learn how to spare yourself of this mistake.
As usual, the rest of the world is playing catchup to GooglDropdowns in WebGridse. Learn how to create a dropdown that gives autocompleted suggestions, like in Google's search bar.