ELB logs are a valuable resource to have on your side. But it is being able to aggregate and analyze them with ELK that really allows you to benefit from the data.
You can never have enough threads. Well, you can, but be sure you know how they work first. This is a comprehensive look at multi-threading throughout the ages.
There should be an open-source API formation designer that spans cloud providers, allowing architects to define which resources are available that anyone can fork or run.
There are many ways to integrate CloudWatch with the ELK Stack. See how to use a Lambda function to send logs directly from CloudWatch into the Logz.io ELK Stack.
Choosing the right set of automation tools is paramount in successful test automation. Find an overview of various tools strengths and weaknesses here.
You've made some changes to your code, so it's time to redeploy and sit around for five minutes! Or you could use DCEVM and HotswapAgent to turn it into seconds.
OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is a revokable application-level protocol. It can be easily load tested by using JMeter in just ten quick steps.
Learn how to create a serverless Angular app, and get rid of concerns like elasticity, scale, and resiliency so you can concentrate fully on your code.