Code coverage IN SPACE! Well, FOR space. Here's how to ensure code coverage testing on embedded devices using free tools with the confidence to go into space.
If event time is very relevant and latencies in the seconds range are completely unacceptable, Kafka should be your first choice. Otherwise, Spark works just fine.
When dealing with your Git history, learn the different between rebasing and its interactive alternative. Here's how to perform interactive rebasing in SourceTree.
Tools alone won't make you a DevOps aficionado, but they will support you on your DevOps journey. Read about the best tools for each step of your CI/CD process.
Looking for a new Agile methodology to experiment with? In this article, we go over how Feature Driven Development compares to Scrum and XP programming .
This take on objects and object-oriented programming suggests converting data containers and structures into real objects, then tackles the performance issues involved.
Want to switch to the ELK Stack for your logging? Even better, want to get it running on your Azure cloud? This guide will walk you through setting up each component.
Using Spark, you can identify duplicate files in your S3 storage by calculating checksums. It's a quick, easy way to ensure you aren't carrying extra weight.