You can't expect test automation to perform all the work done by a tester. It's the responsibility of a good tester to find areas that can't be automated and find issues.
Chance are that you're going to want to get your app up on Google Play or the App Store. Apple's app approval process tends to take longer, but is more in depth.
Using a poor-quality server wastes everyone's time because the build takes too long to finish, resulting in intermittent test results and frustrated engineers.
Let's look into the Apache Ignite Cluster Layer, a GitHub project that includes the basic building blocks needed to implement a proposed microservices-based architecture.
There are many paid email services out there that offer various integration features. However, most of the time, they aren’t 100% customizable to one’s requirements.
Agile methodology implies an iterative and incremental method of management. Agile project management produces higher product quality, reduced risks, and more.
Merging continuous deployment and serverless tech is possible. Assuming you've got a pivot machine, you can combine the power of your Octopus deploys and AWS Lambda.
BDDfire allows you to set up the entire framework with code quality, browser testing, cloud testing, API testing, and Docker integration by running three simple commands.
If you can't find a good scheduler lock, then build one yourself. This DIY project prevents concurrent execution of scheduled Spring tasks, should the need arise.
Firebase, Google's cloud-based tool suite, can help add flexibility and user friendliness to apps. This guide walks you through setting up push notifications.
Alpine Linux-based Docker images are small, but they can still bloat up quickly. If you're concerned about image size, search for alternatives, like Minideb.