Almost all applications that perform anything useful for a given business need to be integrated with one or more applications. With microservices-based architecture, where a number of services are broken down based on the services or functionality offered, the number of integration points or touch points increases massively.
Benchmarking HTTP servers is beset by several difficulties: tests may be conducted with unrealistic parameters (e.g., pure overhead v maximum concurrency), and thus yield unuseful results. Our tests are different and produced some interesting outcomes that yielded new learnings about HTTP performance in the wild.
MUnit is a Mule application testing framework which allows us to easily build automated tests. With MUnit, we can create Mule tests by writing common Java code.
Angular is a powerful tool that lets you develop highly interactive and intuitive web applications, without any hustle. Hopefully, these 10 reasons will give you an idea why Angular JavaScript is a modern-age web development tool.
We have less and less time to test products before release. How can we keep up with things like continuous deployment and still deliver quality products? Read on to find out.
When developing RESTful web services, people are often confused with handling exceptions. This post will explain a powerful tactic for using exception mapper with the Dropwizard framework.
Let’s be honest: most students need to save as much money as they can! Fortunately, many popular applications offer discounted or free access for students.
Service discovery is vital in large system deployments. Learn how to use Docker and Consul to help your deployments run more smoothly and get home at a decent hour.