We have less and less time to test products before release. How can we keep up with things like continuous deployment and still deliver quality products? Read on to find out.
When developing RESTful web services, people are often confused with handling exceptions. This post will explain a powerful tactic for using exception mapper with the Dropwizard framework.
Let’s be honest: most students need to save as much money as they can! Fortunately, many popular applications offer discounted or free access for students.
Service discovery is vital in large system deployments. Learn how to use Docker and Consul to help your deployments run more smoothly and get home at a decent hour.
In this IoT Arduino programming tutorial, the Arduino board is connected to a set of sensors and an ethernet shield. Sensors used in this IoT Arduino programming project are:
Cloud-based infrastructure, containers, microservices, and new programming platforms are dominating the media and sweeping across IT departments around the world.
Testing tools need to be a part of the entire application lifecycle, be flexible in how they're used, and help companies take the next step towards DevOps.
Martin Fowler and Jez Humble are both promoters of feature flags and rollouts for Continuous Delivery, but is there an application beyond just software?