We all do pull requests, but are we doing them right? However well-intentioned, pull requests can actually contribute to tech debt when you're not careful!
Cybersecurity training is crucial for modern developers, so organizations should prioritize learning to keep up with a constantly evolving digital business environment.
Are you looking to migrate from GCP to AWS? This detailed guide provides expert insights and step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition from GCP to AWS.
In today's "always on" world, reliability is a primary business KPI. Establish a culture of reliability by implementing these 7 simple tips to build a solid SRE team in your organization.
This is a comprehensive guide to automated testing in data engineering. It covers components, tools, benefits, real-world applications, and best practices.
The differences between public, private, and hybrid cloud can be confusing. Here, we give a breakdown of these differences between cloud platforms in a simple way.
In this comprehensive guide through basic functional containers Functor, Applicative, and Monad, explore possible applications and learn the math behind them.
Efficient and scalable load balancing is pivotal for ensuring optimal performance and high availability. Explore an overview of Azure's load-balancing options.
We will walk you through the crucial steps of setting up networking, managing storage, running containers, and installing Docker in this comprehensive guide.
Consumer electronics are being revolutionized by embedded systems that create intelligent devices, which allow for increased connectivity and drive innovation.