Problems with the old version of Kafka haven't been solved completely. Some shortcomings have been fixed while some problems have been introduced. The cycle continues.
Uber uses AI and ML for fraud detection, risk assessment, safety processes, marketing, matching drivers and riders, and just about everywhere else it's possible to apply.
When you hear the term "data mining," How about the word "data warehousing"? Find out what exactly is the difference between data mining and data warehousing.
When you hear the term "data mining," How about the word "data warehousing"? Find out what exactly is the difference between data mining and data warehousing.
Blockchain is a revolutionary new technology whose features have greatly improved data storage. It has increased storage capacity and improved data security.
This article presents an easy guide on how to build an application that uses time-series data to forecast trends and events using TensorFlow and QuestDB.
Construct a data model catalog in a relational database and a mechanism that monitors and reports the changes related to this data model and catalog content.