This rather long, but extremely well-researched article by Kai Wähner is a follow-up and update to his previous article "Microservices and whether that spells the death of the Enterprise Service Bus and other middleware." In this piece, he discusses how relevant microservices, containers, and a cloud-native architecture is for middleware. Take the time and read this... it's well worth it!
A brilliant from-the-start introduction to using Spring Boot on Docker. This article even takes you through what Docker is so you've no excuse not to give it a whirl.
Benchmarking HTTP servers is beset by several difficulties: tests may be conducted with unrealistic parameters (e.g., pure overhead v maximum concurrency), and thus yield unuseful results. Our tests are different and produced some interesting outcomes that yielded new learnings about HTTP performance in the wild.
We have less and less time to test products before release. How can we keep up with things like continuous deployment and still deliver quality products? Read on to find out.
Service discovery is vital in large system deployments. Learn how to use Docker and Consul to help your deployments run more smoothly and get home at a decent hour.
Cloud-based infrastructure, containers, microservices, and new programming platforms are dominating the media and sweeping across IT departments around the world.