In this article, we'll look at what serverless is, explore some of the use cases, and consider common patterns and antipatterns that are likely to trip up.
Over two-thirds of organizations suffered at least one project failure the previous year. So today, let's focus on less severe cases, which can still be saved!
Learn how to easily run A/B/n experiments in Kubernetes using the Iter8 SDK. Iter8 makes it simple to collect business metrics for your apps/ML models.
This article will help software developers decide whether REST or GraphQL is best for their project(s) based on their frontend and backend implementations.
Ruby on Rails is a prominent framework utilized by startups for its rapid development capabilities. Then why do some people declare it irrelevant today?
This article on python exception handling will help you brush up on your knowledge of the topic so that you can excel in your next python job interview or exam.
In a shocking development, a new computer is faster than an old one. In this case, the new thin Air beats a newish thicker M1 Max top-of-the-line machine.
Automated installation and integration for Amazon EMR and Apache Ranger with this four-part series showing solutions against different technology stacks.
Building dApps that interoperate between L1s and L2s can be difficult. Let's look at using the Optimism Bridge Truffle Box as an easy way to bridge Ethereum and Optimism.