Lazy loading and caching are powerful performance tools, but they can be implemented poorly. Here's how you can pull them off in Java using Google's Guava.
In a recent talk, I told a community of mathematicians that nearly arbitrary data can *easily* be stored in a JSON-based document store. I should've known better...
Reading files with Apache Camel is not so easy when you need to deploy your route to multiple servers. Thankfully, Camel has the concept of an idempotent consumer.
As often as Springs @RequestMapping annotation is, few recognize its versatility. Here, we see that on display when used to map Spring MVC controller methods.
Our work on code smells and refactoring tips continues with a look into adhering to the single responsibility principle and refactoring multi-responsibility methods.
Here's just about everything you could want to know about your favorite packaging techniques for Java—skinny JARs, fat/uber JARs, thin JARS, and hollow JARs.
Bootstrapping a configuration server with Spring Cloud Config Server MongoDB is just a matter of three steps. Learn what they are and look at a usage example!