Here we dive into deeply nested code, how or when it arises, the problems it poses, and the challenges involved in refactoring it out into something more useful.
Digging deeper into Kafka architecture, this article covers the details of replication, failover, and parallel processing in this data pipeline software.
Whether you're brand new or an old pro, it's always good to brush up on exception handling practices to make sure you and your team can deal with problems.
Have you ever used the latest version a library only to have it be way worse than the older iteration? This dev sure has and offers some advice on library versioning.
Password strength and security is an all important aspect of keeping your data secure. Learn how dev teams can use this AWS service to encrypt/decrypt passwords.
In a world where open-source software can avoid vendor lock-in, are major Hadoop distributors discarding some of that benefit to the detriment of Hadoop users?
Many of the solutions that you experiment with to help you order streamed DataFrames will bring you to disappointment. Luckily, there's a light at the end of the table!
Get an introduction to the concept of consumer-driven API contracts, and how to implement this with Pact, Spring Boot, and an API consumer and provider.