From nullability to iterators, jOOQ and Java engage in a delicate dance around SQL and Java's quirks. With dynamic SQL in mind, let's walk through them.
Cryptographers have long been aware of the vulnerabilities in SHA-1, yet it's still in use. Read on to learn how easy it is to hack and why you shouldn't use it.
As this series on Java CLIs continues, we examine Picocli—the tool's claim to fame being that you can run it without needing to add it as an external dependency.
Learn what reflection is, how it works in C#, and see some code examples of use cases where reflection allows code to inspect other code within the system.
To demonstrate the application, I will be inserting employee records by calling an Oracle stored procedure with a nested table as one of the parameters.
In this article, we build a simple web application in Angular and then show you how to add authentication measures, allowing your users to sign in and out.