With the rise in popularity of NoSQL databases, MongoDB has rapidly gained popularity. See reactive programming features in Spring Framework 5 and Spring Data MongoDB.
Throughout application development, you need to make CRUD operations on our stored data. Postgres and the Time API can help you map JPA in your database.
If you're a Python fan who enjoys using the Serverless library and virtualenv, you might be running into a dependency error. Here's one solution to the problem.
Object relational impedance mismatch involves databases with many-to-many relationships that comparatively have mismatched data. Read on a more in-depth introduction!
On the face of it, flatMap, concatMap, and concatMapEager do largely the same thing. But let's look under the hood to see which works best in a given situation.
Method references in Java like String::isEmpty can be used easily, but their negations cannot. Read this article and find out how to fix this problem and improve your code.
In this post, we go over the best article of June from DZone's Web Dev Zone, showcase a couple of great jobs, and link to some of our great web dev publications.
Let's dig deep into the bytecode level so you can see how lambda expressions really work, as well as how to combine them with getters, setters, and other tricks.