Learn how to easily use the SQL Helper Class, which interacts with a database with help from connection strings, to create Web APIs by using Visual Studio 2017.
We take a look at image-based exploits that are common to websites, in this case, those that are backed by PHP. We also look at what devs can do to prevent them.
In this article, we explain the five principles laid out by Robert C. Martin and enumerated by Michael Feathers, that describe the five essential building blocks of OOP.
Want to take a more functional approach to Java? The language doesn't offer a lot of options, but here is some custom code you can use for method lifting.
Callback functions have been around for a while, but there have never been any standards for using them — leading to variations in API implementations.
Learn how to seed the database on application startup. Seeders can help you create default admin accounts or other default data required by your application.
The ability for build and release agents to automatically login in order to complete UI-interacting integration tests is important. Windows developers, read on.
Follow along this explanation of JEP 213: Milling Project Coin. Check out the tweaks coming to the Java language for identifier names, SafeVarargs, and more.
Let's take an in-depth look at decorators in Python. Find out what they're all about, the various kinds, and how you can make use of them in your own code.
We take a look at some recent changes made to the use and format of the TEST compiler option in COBOL, as well as how those changes could affect your debugging practices.