Take a deep dive into the performance problem of concurrent apps that use core.async where blocking operations are involved. If you're a fan of Clojure, you need to read this.
See how to linkerd as your ingress vector ingress to a Kubernetes cluster while also handling service routing, with NGINX to help make it production-ready.
Look at annotations that can be applied to a class to create indexes that have been specified within the class. See what indexes do and how they can decrease query times.
Sometimes, you need to parse command-line arguments in a Java application. There are a number of options, but in this post, we look at the Apache Commons CLI library.
During webinar about 'Distributed Caching for you next Node.js project' I was asked if we provide examples of running Hazelcast with Compose or Swarm. Now you have it!
Regular Expressions' syntax and variety of symbols can be daunting, but if you break them up into their components, and learn those components' rules, there's hope.
When writing for-loops over ranges in Kotlin, Progressions can help you incorporate types that aren't supported by default. Here's a guide tailored for Java devs.
Particularly useful for microservices, Spring Boot Admin allows you to administer and monitor multiple Spring Boot applications using a single dashboard.