Code coverage IN SPACE! Well, FOR space. Here's how to ensure code coverage testing on embedded devices using free tools with the confidence to go into space.
If event time is very relevant and latencies in the seconds range are completely unacceptable, Kafka should be your first choice. Otherwise, Spark works just fine.
When dealing with your Git history, learn the different between rebasing and its interactive alternative. Here's how to perform interactive rebasing in SourceTree.
OpenTracing is an open standard designed for distributed tracing. Here, we see how to get it integrated with a Spring Boot app and switching between tracing systems.
PureConfig is a nifty library that serves as a front-end for other libraries. Its real strength is as a boilerplate-free way of loading Scala config files.
Interested in Kotlin but worried about leaving your favorite Java tools behind? Time to make a plugin! Here, we start the process of making a SonarQube plugin for Kotlin.
As with any other aspect of database management, replication doesn't always proceed as expected. Check out some solutions to real-world MySQL replication issues.
SSMS is where you'll spend most of your time while working with SQL Server, so getting introduced to it as early as possible is a great way to start learning.