The true technical spike is a last resort and happens as infrequently as possible. It is a refinement activity that allows the backlog to be understood for future planning.
Prepping for your upcoming interview? Unsure about what Hadoop knowledge to take with you? Here are 6 frequently asked Hadoop interview questions and the answers you should be giving.
The best DevOps teams exhibit a high level of cross-skilling, and cherry-picking often occurs in teams in which the members are not cross-trained. Read on to learn more.
Want to avoid a glassy-eyed stare you get when trying to explain your code to stakeholders? Check out how JBehave and behavior-driven development can help.
Software-defined everything seems to be everywhere these days. In this article, Olga Annenko discusses software-defined integration and what it should mean to you.
Emphasis on innovation is a prime requirement for both attracting consumer interest and the assured functionality of the application that integrated testing provides.
''Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories'' by Gojko Adzic and David Evans provides solutions to many issues involving Agile projects. Victor Chircu reviews here.