In the final article to his comprehensive series on learning Oracle JET, Chris Muir goes over the Oracle JET Common Model & Collection API, a client-side JavaScript API for accessing remote REST web services and plugging them into our JET UI components.
Using a poor-quality server wastes everyone's time because the build takes too long to finish, resulting in intermittent test results and frustrated engineers.
Agile methodology implies an iterative and incremental method of management. Agile project management produces higher product quality, reduced risks, and more.
There are times when a MapReduce job exceeds its memory limits. This article presents an overview of how YARN monitors the memory for containers and provides the technique to fix this issue.
It is no longer about mobile first, but instead about digital everywhere. Organizations need to ensure that their digital experiences reflect the quality of their brand.
Meta-monitoring is basically self-service for monitoring. There are several different requirements and methods that should be kept in mind when it comes to meta-monitoring.
Test automation is the most efficient and effective means of test execution. Best practices coupled with automated testing creates an essential component for successful deployment.
Extrinsic quality is the most important measure of quality. Scrum teams need to balance long-term performance and stability with short-term goals for delivery and value.
The true technical spike is a last resort and happens as infrequently as possible. It is a refinement activity that allows the backlog to be understood for future planning.
Prepping for your upcoming interview? Unsure about what Hadoop knowledge to take with you? Here are 6 frequently asked Hadoop interview questions and the answers you should be giving.