Tools alone won't make you a DevOps aficionado, but they will support you on your DevOps journey. Read about the best tools for each step of your CI/CD process.
Looking for a new Agile methodology to experiment with? In this article, we go over how Feature Driven Development compares to Scrum and XP programming .
Moving from a salaried position to freelancing without taking risks is possible, but you need to start NOW. Start building your credibility online and talking to clients.
Going Agile is never an easy process, as this company can attest to. Read on to get their story, and see how they overcame impediments to their transformation.
Oh, what tangled web we weave, when first we have to make changes to your original project plan. See how to untangle your project's dependency graph. How bad can it be?
Is your Scrum team's Sprint review unproductive or stuck in a rut? Read on to discover some common mistakes Scrum teams make in their Sprint planning and reviews.
If you're tasking one developer with a 'x' amount of code, you're probably either over, or under, working that dev, and causing your Sprint to come up short.
If you're trying to implement Agile and Scrum into your development team, read on for the basics of Scrum works, with details on product backlogs, Scrum Masters, etc.
While not as popular as it once was, top-down programming still provides structure, hierarchy, and organization to developers who might be adrift otherwise.
Prolific branching keeps your branches clean and releasable, and makes project tracking easier. Learn to create branches in the JIRA server with Bitbucket.
If you're wondering why you'd use this less-frequently used command, this is the post for you. Check it out and see if it can help you within your own teams.
Inspiration can come from anywhere. One Agile Coach shares how he was inspired to tweak his Sprint Retrospective and Planning meetings by Formula 1 Pit Stop crews.