There are tons of data job titles, including data scientist, data analyst, and data specialist. It’s important to pick one that matches your capabilities and aspirations.
Developers need the ability to write tests, understand automation, good coding skills, and broad vision to write code that will work with automated testing.
Sometimes it feels like Sprints can get out of hand, and your team just need a little more time. We explain why extending the Sprint is not a good idea.
Learn how to schedule and execute Talend jobs with Airflow, an open-source platform that programmatically orchestrates workflows as directed acyclic graphs of tasks.
In the second part of this Dockerizing Jenkins series, learn to deploy your artifacts, run Artifactory on Docker, and dockerize Maven settings in Jenkins.
In this article, we explain the five principles laid out by Robert C. Martin and enumerated by Michael Feathers, that describe the five essential building blocks of OOP.
When testing web apps that require interactions with forms being able to create these tests is key. Our friends at Blazemeter show us how to make this process quick and easy.
Learn how to configure the Protractor testing framework to use with the Cucumber Behavior-Driven Development framework for testing AngularJS applications.
If you're looking to implement peer reviews into your development process, read on to get a great overview of the how the process is used and works best.
Knowing what makes a great data engineer is a critical first step towards identifying and onboarding the right data engineers to make your enterprise succeed.