Professor Ken Fogel defines the bean class, a subset of the original JavaBean concept, as a class used to aggregate or collect both primitive data types and other classes for modeling data in a program. He offers up examples and various rules for beans as they pertain to his courses.
Tablesaw is like an open-source Java power tool for data manipulation with hooks for interactive visualization, analytics, and machine learning. Come learn all about it!
These factors described in this article make data scientists self-sufficient, improve the effectiveness of their models, and accelerate the time to insight.
With Entity Framework Core 2.0, we now have the ability to introduce global query filters into our code. Learn about what they are, and how and when to use them.
This Java and microservices tutorial shows how one microservice communicates with another dependent microservice service via the service registry and Eureka Server.
Learn about loading and storing data using Hive, an open-source data warehouse system, and Pig, which can be used for the ETL data pipeline and iterative processing.
Digging deeper into Kafka architecture, this article covers the details of replication, failover, and parallel processing in this data pipeline software.
Data redaction obfuscates data, reducing unnecessary exposure of sensitive data while maintaining its usability. Learn how to redact data using a masking filter.