As with any other aspect of database management, replication doesn't always proceed as expected. Check out some solutions to real-world MySQL replication issues.
If a user interacts with your code via code of their own, you’re building an API. Consequently, understanding properties of good APIs is vital. So what makes a good API?
SSMS is where you'll spend most of your time while working with SQL Server, so getting introduced to it as early as possible is a great way to start learning.
This take on objects and object-oriented programming suggests converting data containers and structures into real objects, then tackles the performance issues involved.
Want to switch to the ELK Stack for your logging? Even better, want to get it running on your Azure cloud? This guide will walk you through setting up each component.
Using Spark, you can identify duplicate files in your S3 storage by calculating checksums. It's a quick, easy way to ensure you aren't carrying extra weight.
Some people say that I must have a bot to read and reply to emails at all crazy hours of the day — some type of awesome email assistant. Well, I decided to prototype it.
This deep dive into Clojure's reducers, transducers and core.async is not for the faint of heart. Get to know how and when to use these tools for abstraction.