Customer sentiment analysis from reviews gathered from external source streams is ingested to Snowflake using Snow Pipe for further analysis using cortex AI API’s.
SingleStore recently announced bi-directional support for Apache Iceberg. In this short article, we'll implement an Iceberg catalog using SingleStore and JDBC.
Discover how advanced technologies are revolutionizing data security. Learn about encryption, blockchain, and machine learning in the fight against cyber threats.
Everything in programming is a trade-off. The combination of imperative and (DO)RY is the best one that results in more total code, but more maintainable code.
While individual components like Kafka, Flink, and Pinot are very powerful, managing them at scale across cloud and on-premises deployments can be operationally complex.
Sagas are difficult to develop due to the complexity of compensation logic and lack of support for increasingly event-driven microservices. Find solutions here.
Secure database connection strings in Spring microservices using environment variables and placeholder expressions for the hostname using the properties file.
This guide will walk you through the essential steps to build your first IoT project, ensuring you have a solid foundation to explore this fascinating field.
Architecture drives AI and analytics success. Learn about key business drivers, engineering best practices, and innovative solutions from industry experts.