Discuss the strategic importance of Spark code upgrades and explore an introduction to a powerful toolkit designed to streamline this process: Scalafix.
Vulnerability management in DevOps integrates security into the development workflow to identify and fix vulnerabilities throughout the software lifecycle.
Discover the benefits of GitOps, explore a detailed comparison between ArgoCD and FluxCD, and learn how these tools streamline deployments and DevOps workflows.
Explore how Kubernetes transformed networking, the impact of eBPF and Cilium, and the future of network administration in this interview with Nicolas Vibert.
You need a CI/CD pipeline, and you need to keep it green. Have you ever thought what that means exactly? Why are we so focused on having green builds? Let's find out!
By embracing AI, automation, database DevOps, and other emerging trends, organizations can ensure robust, efficient, and future-proofed database management practices.
Sagas are difficult to develop due to the complexity of compensation logic and lack of support for increasingly event-driven microservices. Find solutions here.
Secure database connection strings in Spring microservices using environment variables and placeholder expressions for the hostname using the properties file.
Improve workflows with collaborative incident management to minimize vulnerabilities and enhance productivity while empowering developers via command-line tools.
This tutorial explains how to set up a Java development environment with IntelliJ, DevContainers, and Amazon Linux 2023 for consistent, isolated development.