@MappedSuperclass is used almost in each #JPA application to declare common fields. It could also be achieved using @Embedded entities. Read this article to learn more.
Develop a simple app in minutes with a React frontend that makes GraphQL calls against a Spring Boot Data JPA service backed by Oracle database and accessed via UCP.
java.lang.String#intern() is an interesting function in Java. In this post, let’s discuss the performance impact of using this function in your application.
Here, simulate an encounter with ‘java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace,’ which indicates that the Metaspace region in the JVM memory is getting saturated.
Want to know how text editors work, how shell scripts change terminal text colors, update lines without scrolling, or move the cursor around? Here, learn how.
Learn API solutions to add pages from one PDF to another, remove pages from a PDF, rotate all pages within a PDF, and rotate a subset of pages within a PDF.
The intern() function eliminates duplicate string objects from the application and has the potential to reduce the overall application memory consumption.
This demo illustrates how to capture telemetry data with OpenTelemetry between distributed services and view interactions between microservices in a system.