Want to learn how you can send an SMS using Scala? Read through this article and learn how to choose a provider and integrate your applications smoothly.
Since the new Flutter is not compatible with the old one, I refactored the APIs of the Flutter barcode plugin and added a new method to scan by video stream in real-time.
Dependency management is part of the core Node.js experience. In this post, we will learn the various patterns of dependency management and how Nodejs load dependencies.
Learning about performance differences between microservices written in Java and Go will help you plan the language you choose when building your own services.
Starting a series 'Let's Unblock' for the common blockers that programmers/developers face while developing an application specifically Spark with Scala.
In the video within this article, we take a closer look at the SpringBoot Configure DataSource Using JNDI, alongside an example using a Tomcat 9 Server
There is a new class of tools for dockerizing and deploying an application to Kubernetes which are aimed at developers. The latest in that category is JKube from RedHat.
In this article, we will briefly discuss some queries and their uses, specifically in the case of both monitoring and debugging PostgreSQL-related issues.
In this article, we discuss JSON Schema Validation and how Rest Assured can be integrated with BDD frameworks like Cucumber so we can write BDD style code.
In this article, we will discuss three separate methods of how to recover SQL Server FILESTREAM in a database in the case of severe database corruption.