In this article, we'll learn how to create microservice applications written in Kotlin, using the Micronaut framework, Spring Cloud, and JPA for a little extra help.
With Source-2-Image (S2I), you don't have to provide Kubernetes YAML templates or build Docker images, OpenShift will do it for you. Read on to see how it works!
To kick off the series, let's look at using Envoy's dynamic configuration APIs to update Envoy at runtime to deal with changes in topology and deployments.
In this article, we will discuss the common causes of hotspot keys, evaluate the impact of this problem, and propose effective solutions to handle them.
Has JavaScript become better for server-side development than Java? It might just depend on the app under development. I can hear the moans from the Java devs now...
Unless you are in the development stone age and SSHing into the production servers to hand edit files with Vim or Emacs, your development environment is not the same as production.