Got duplicate code? Learn how to get rid of it while making what's left work for you. A skeletal implementation gets your interface and Abstract class working together.
Skipping the execution of tests during the Release plugin execution might improve your release time because the Maven Release Plugin already executes the same tests twice.
This tutorial with screenshots will teach you how to run multiple instances of the popular config management software ZookeeperRunner on your local machine.
This article compares Hazelcast to the Amazon Web Services ElastiCache Memcached Engine. Cost, Features, Node Management, Fault Tolerance, Monitoring, and Performance are all evaluated.
Thread dumps are vital artifacts to diagnose CPU spikes, deadlocks, memory problems, unresponsive applications, poor response times, and other system problems.
Custom argument matchers and custom answer behavior allow us to use Mockito to mock complex and responsive behavior, making for highly realistic tests.
Want to hear about the many perks that make JavaScript the go-to most popular language for web development. Check out the many reasons that the team at ValueCoders have to offer.