Think Log4j 2.x and JAXB play nicely together? It would seem that Log4j's XSD doesn't fully specify Log4j's components' configuration attributes. Read on to find out more.
Let's take a step back and look at the rise of microservices and REST and the apparent decline of SOAP-based web services. What are the statistics and the reasons?
For most enterprises, the gating factor for a successful digital transformation will be how effectively and quickly they can adapt their existing technology strategies and practices to enable the modern-day, microservices-based apps that drive today’s hyperscale economy.
Former JUG leader and MVB Dave Fecak chimes in on a major change to the Java ecosystem. What direction will Java go if entry level devs are losing interest in the language?
DataWeave is a powerful transformation language introduced with Mule Enterprise Edition 3.7. It allows you to transform data from one format to another and supports CSV, XML, JSON, Flat/Fixed Width (v3.8+) & Java. You can look at these DataWeave Examples to see it in action.
Node.js programmers often check the NODE_ENV environment variable, but did you know the value actually set for the it can have additional implications? Read on to find out what they are.