What does it mean to trust the cloud? More than access controls, encryption, and firewalls, it means that cloud success requires accountability and visibility.
pac4j is a full security library, easy and powerful, which supports authentication and authorization, but also application logout and advanced features like CSRF protection.
On the heels of the Kinesis Firehose announcement, more people are going to be looking to integrate Kinesis with logging systems. Here is one take on solving that problem that integrates syslog-ng with Kinesis.
By default, sources of a dependency are downloaded and added to a project, but not Javadoc sources. Gradle can use IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse project files to download them.
I am going to explain how to use Spring Security in a Spring MVC Application to authenticate and authorize users against user details stored in a MySQL Database.
Introduction Here in this article we are trying to discuss about the finding reference object within stored procedure and also finding the calling procedure references. Hope you like it and it will be informative. What We Want Developers are writing several stored procedure almost every day. Sometimes developers need to know about the information such as what object is used within the stored procedure or from where (SP) the specified stored procedure call. This is the vital information for the developer before working on a particular stored procedure. Here we are representing a pictorial diagram to understand the nature of implementation. Now we have to answer some question 1. What are the DB Object used in Stored Procedure1 and there type. 2. In case of Store Procedure3 which procedure calls the Store Procedure3 So we are not going to read the Stored Procedure to find the answer. Suppose the each procedure have more than 3000 line. How We Solve the Answer To solve the answer first we take the example and create an example scenario to understand it. -- Base Table CREATE TABLE T1 (EMPID INT, EMPNAME VARCHAR(50)); GO CREATE TABLE T2 (EMPID INT, EMPNAME VARCHAR(50)); GO --1 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure1] AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM T1; SELECT * FROM T2; EXEC [dbo].[Procedure3]; END GO --2 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure2] AS BEGIN EXEC [dbo].[Procedure3]; END GO --3 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure3] AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM T1; END GO Now we are going to solve the question What are the DB Object used in Stored Procedure1 and there type. sp_depends Procedure1 In case of Store Procedure3 which procedure calls the Store Procedure3 SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) AS [Calling SP] FROM syscomments WHERE [text] LIKE '%Procedure3%' GROUP BY OBJECT_NAME(id); Hope you like it.
LANDESK One Partnership Brings WinMagic's Encryption and Intelligent Key Management Solution, SecureDoc, to LANDESK Customers LONDON - 01 July, 2015 - LANDESK today announced it has certified and is now reselling WinMagic's suite of SecureDoc products as part of its LANDESK One Partner program. The integration between LANDESK Management Suite and WinMagic SecureDoc brings the encryption status of the organisation's devices into the LANDESK management database. Given the seemingly endless news of high-profile data theft, LANDESK's relationship with WinMagic, the global innovator in key management and full disk encryption, bolsters the LANDESK security management software portfolio by allowing customers to protect data at rest. This partnership allows system administrators and security professionals to utilise a single tool for querying and reporting on encryption status alongside any other hardware or software attribute, streamlining the visibility necessary to ensure the safety and security of the organisation's assets. "The partnership between LANDESK and WinMagic allows LANDESK customers to better utilize WinMagic's world-class encryption capabilities," said Steve Workman, vice president of strategy at LANDESK. "WinMagic's SecureDoc broadens and enriches LANDESK's security portfolio, giving users the peace of mind so they can do what they do best. WinMagic's approach to full disk encryption (FDE) was a main impetus for our partnership." WinMagic's SecureDoc encrypts data on various devices, closely manages encryption keys and enables seamless user authentication and data access, so encryption does not inhibit productivity. SecureDoc protects data on the endpoint, where the data is created, regardless of the device or platform where it's accessed or saved. By deploying WinMagic's SecureDoc as LANDESK's recommended FDE vendor and integrating SecureDoc reporting into the LANDESK console, LANDESK customers receive the following: Encryption transparency. SecureDoc reports on which devices are encrypted as part of LANDESK's comprehensive compliance reporting features, aiding in regulatory compliance. A single console view. This view that encompasses all endpoint security and encryption across all devices and all operating systems. It does all of this with transparent intelligent key management, allowing users to gain deep insight into their security. FDE technology. Being application-aware, WinMagic solutions not only manage the keys but also the related policy and configuration for endpoint encryption. A predefined integration between the companies' products has been certified and is immediately available to LANDESK customers who use WinMagic. LANDESK customers who do not have WinMagic can now contact their LANDESK representative to begin evaluating how WinMagic can improve their security. "LANDESK and WinMagic agree that managing security at the endpoint is vital to protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance, and WinMagic's offering integrates seamlessly into LANDESK's suite of solutions," said Mark Hickman, COO of WinMagic. "With this partnership, WinMagic has earned the endorsement of LANDESK, a systems and security management software company trusted by numerous companies in many industries. It's a testament to the proven and widely deployed WinMagic solution." LANDESK One Partners provide solution integrations that support the LANDESK vision of user-centered service management and help customers tackle their most pressing issues and gain maximum value from their technology investments. For more information visit: www.landesk.com/partners/landesk-one.