This is the first in a six‑part series of blog posts that explore the new features in NGINX Plus R10 in depth. Let's start with authentication and JSON Web Tokens.
Node.js programmers often check the NODE_ENV environment variable, but did you know the value actually set for the it can have additional implications? Read on to find out what they are.
We all know the big goal is low coupling and high cohesion. But if asked to, could you write down what smells you would see to identify tightly coupled code?
We see this “Is Java dead?” question pop up year after year, and yet, by all external markers, Java is alive, well, and growing. Read on for more info!
With microservices architecture, you’ll not only make it easier for your engineers to make regular updates but you will also have multiple preventive stopgaps that will ensure your system is secure.
Testing support in Spring Boot is getting better, but it's far from perfect. The example here shows how to use Spring Boot in tandem with your mock testing.
This article explains some of the dependency management tricks that can be used to create libraries and apps that depend on newer versions of a transitive dependency than those managed by a platform like Spring Boot or the Spring IO Platform.