SonarQube (and the SonarGraph plugin) can automatically scan your code base for cyclic dependencies. Their combined power replaces some lost functionality.
OpenId enables users to be authenticated using a single ID. The OpenId provider (OP) is the third party that authenticates a user signing in with an identificator.
With HTTP, each call is stateless and I can’t assume anything about the other side. With TCP, on the other hand, I can make a lot of assumptions about the conversation.
As businesses continue to migrate to digital platforms, it becomes absolutely critical to conduct rigorous software testing before the launching of a product.
Incorporate external dependencies for your Spring Boot app with a helping hand from Maven. You can package everything together, making it attractive for microservices.
Here is an annotated list of security guidelines for your REST APIs when you are developing and testing them, including proper authorization, input validation, and output encoding.
This comprehensive guide to SAML covers how the authentication protocol works, how requests are generated and read, and what tools can help you keep projects secure.
Couchbase's cbq shell lets you write and run N1QL queries interactively. The shell also lets you securely interact with mixed nodes, among other handy tricks.
Learn how to place policies under Integration Server, attach a policy to web service descriptor, and pass message-based authentication credentials with web service.
App security is not just for developers anymore. Securing apps takes the cooperation of dev, ops, and network teams to identify potential threats and implement architecturally appropriate solutions.