Learn how to password protect PDF files using Java and Apache PDFBox. Follow this step-by-step guide to secure sensitive information and implement robust PDF encryption.
Learn how to optimize costs in serverless and containerization. Reduce expenses, improve resource use, and leverage auto-scaling for efficient cloud computing.
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core are popular frameworks for creating powerful RESTful APIs. Try this tutorial and develop a simple Minimal API for credit scores.
Consider using Abstract Factory Method when implementing ASP.NET Core Web API with Onion Architecture. Adjustments may be needed based on data access tech.
For the 23rd year, Techno Security and Digital Forensics Conference East brought practitioners from law enforcement, academia, and security industry pros.
You can use Liquibase and the Testcontainers library to make integration testing much less headache-inducing. I’ll show you how to do it, step by step.
The CD Foundation and OpenGitOps communities joined forces in Vancouver to create cdCon + GitOpsCon for a conference about the future of DevOps tools and best practices.